The Newman Center at Texas Southern University ministry is committed to eradicate the sin of Racism. The students faculty and staff are the Heart and Soul of Houston and all are near and dear to our hearts.
"Racism is an evil which endures in our society and in our Church. Despite apparent advances and even significant changes...the reality of racism remains.
U.S. Catholic Bishops Pastoral Letter on Racism, Brothers and Sisters to Us, 1979.
"Racism is not a thing of the past or simply a throwaway political issue to be bandied about when convenient. It is a real and present danger that must be met head on. As members of the Church, we must stand for the more difficult right and just actions instead of the easy wrongs of indifference. We cannot turn a blind eye to these atrocities and yet still try to profess to respect every human life. We serve a God of love, mercy, and justice."
U.S. Bishop Chairmen in Wake of Death of George Floyd and National Protests
A Walk of Faith as Catholics of African Descent

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Topic: Undoing Racism Rosary Prayer
Every week on Tue, 12:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 835 7792 1613
Password: 405387